Product Management: Software Development Shop FortyAU Develops its PM Chops

Andrew Kerr of Forty AU

“As consultants, we expect our engineers to work directly with clients to solve business problems. That’s why we love working with Fortune’s Path. They’re product managers technical enough to understand how software gets built and business-savvy enough to help us find real-world solutions.”

— Andrew Kerr, CEO, FortyAU

Great Software Needs Great Product Management

Even the most talented developers in the world need to practice product management to build something great. That’s why FortyAU turned to Fortune’s Path to develop their internal product management competency.

The Problem

FortyAU, a rapidly growing and successful software development company, believes engineers should talk directly to customers. They believe that eliminating the need for separate management layers between the client and their developers is a more efficient model. To make this model work, FortyAU works with seasoned product managers who can teach the basics of product management to technical audiences.

The Solution

FortyAU turned to Fortune’s Path to help the organization build its product management capability, beginning with one of FortyAU’s highly technical and innovative clients. Fortune’s Path served as the product owner and helped translate their client’s high-level vision into buildable requirements, which were essential for helping the client secure funds for their product.

 After this initial engagement, FortyAU employed Fortune’s Path to create a product development process that FortyAU utilizes as part of their services. Fortune’s Path brought structure and definition to complex development projects while mentoring FortyAU’s resources to practice the discipline of product management.

Today, FortyAU has developed its own in-house product management capabilities and embraces the role of product management in the software development process.

Talk to Fortune’s Path about how we can help your software development organization build great software.

The Results

  • Created a product development process for FortyAU, with consideration given to the specific type of “engineer-first” software development that FortyAU practices.

  • Identified critical tasks needed to manage risk and promote project success.

  • Developed sales materials to explain the FortyAU product development process to prospects.

  • Coached FortyAU project management resources on product management best practices.

“It was working closely with Fortune’s Path that made us curious about incorporating product management into more of our engagements. We’re grateful for their expertise and inspiration.”

— Andrew Kerr, CEO at FortyAU.


Fortune’s Path collaborations with FortyAU:

  • WIFI Networking Startup — define requirements to build a networking solution that prevents packet drops in locations with poor WIFI connectivity.

  • Government sponsored healthcare interoperability initiative — define requirements to manage and share PPE inventories across multiple healthcare systems and locations.

  • Multi-state hospital chain — create requirements for an internal application to help manage energy consumption.


Amin Haidar: Managing Product Managers


Walter Hindman: Junkdrop and Charity for Profit